JANUARY 22, 2025!
What is Surgeons Lobby Day at the Capitol?
The leadership of the Virginia Chapter, ACS believes that it is essential for the Chapter to continue to participate in legislative discussions involving health care delivery in Virginia. To help maintain a vocal presence during the 2025 Session, all members of the VA-ACS are encouraged to join us on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 for Surgeons Lobby Day at the Capitol, which will be held in conjunction with the Medical Society of Virginia. This is an MSV member opportunity to be briefed by MSV staff on key issues and meet with your legislators to discuss issues facing the practice of medicine and serve as a subject matter expert during the legislative process.
What's the schedule of events on our lobby day?
The schedule will be as follows:
7:15-7:30 am Check-in at The Hilton Downtown Richmond | Richmond
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast and Strategy Session
8:30-9:00 Organize groups and travel to building
9:00am-11:00 am Legislative Visits
How should I prepare for our Lobby Day?
The VA-ACS & MSV will provide backgrounders on key issues. Don't forget to bring your white coat to wear while lobbying and a supply of business cards to hand out to legislators and their aides.
To view a complete list of bills ACS State Affairs is tracking, visit the online State Legislative Tracker. ACS State Affairs Priority Issues include: Trauma System Funding & Development, Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Testing, Insurance & Administrative Burden, Professional Liability, Criminalization of Physician Care, Access to Surgical Care and Health Equity.
Why should I leave behind my busy practice to come to Richmond to lobby?
Lobby Days are your opportunity to advocate for the issues that matter most to your profession. The MSV provides a robust program with guided bill updates, briefing on key issues, how to lobby legislators, and more. Members of the General Assembly need to hear from YOU, their constituents, about how the legislation they're considering will affect the practice of medicine. Speak up, get involved!
For questions, contact Andrew Densmore at adensmore@msv.org.
To confirm your participation, please register online ( https://mx.msv.org/Events/Calendar-Of-Events/Meeting-Home-Page?meetingid=%7b0B491B6C-EC5B-EF11-BFE2-6045BDEC75CF%7d )